The GCIG Spring meeting was held in Chicago on May 31 – June 1, 2023. CEEGOG was represented there by its Vice- Chair, Dr. Filip Frühauf, and by the CEEGOG Manager, Ivana Nohová, who attended the meeting as the online participants. 

As previously agreed, mostly academic studies were presented during the GCIG meetings. It provided a broader framework for discussion on the hot topics such as de-escalation of Parpi maintenance, benefit from densification of chemotherapy in patients with poor prognostic ovarian cancer, diversity of the HRD tests availbale, symptom benefit, toxicity of treatment and impact on daily activities to be measured by using the so- called MOST questionnaires which are validated instruments developed by GCIG.  


The need to conduct trials focusing on HRP/non-HRD patients, patients with DNA mutations associated with CCNE1 amplification and on the treatment of clear cell carcinoma was highligted. Further personalized medicine, quality of life measurements, ethical and race diversity were also stressed. 

Discussion about harmonization of documents used in international trials, patient involvement within clinical research, and trial budgeting were conducted. 

An update was provided on the Italian project to develop a deep learning system to predict the HRD status from ovarian cancer pathology slides, and on the preparation of the new integrated  guidelines of ESGO, EURACAN and WSN for uterina sarcoma. 

Further, it was proposed to establish an International Neoadjuvant Endometrial Cancer Consortium in order to avoid multiple small studies with heterogenous patient populations, interventions and differences in pathological assessment. 

The Endometrial cancer consensus conference 2023 is scheduled for November in South Korea. Two CEEGOG representatives, namely Dr. Zoltán Novák from Budapest and Dr. Filip Frühauf from Prague have been approved by GCIG to be part of the working groups. 

And last but not least, an update on the CCRN activities and educational symposiums was provided. The GCIG mtg was concluded with an impressive speech on the lack of available treatment in Africa  which was delivered by the representative from South Africa. Afterwards, the need to develop further GCIG projects, which are  also meant for African patients, was stressed.