CEEGOG meeting in Prague on April 20, 2016
We would like to invite CEEGOG members and colleagues to the annual joint CEEGOG meeting, which is going to be held at the Diplomat Hotel Prague in Prague on Wednesday afternoon (17:00 pm – 22:00 pm) on 20th April 2016, one day before the IVW (www.ivw-prague.cz).
ENGOT meeting in Frankfurt, March 3 - 4, 2016
On 4th March, representatives of national trial groups had an appointment at the Sheraton Airport Hotel in Frankfurt. CEEGOG was represented by its chairman Prof. David Cibula and administrative manager Ivana Nohová. In addition to ongoing and new clinical trials, the Report from the ESGO council, the European Ovarian Cancer Consensus meeting (ESMO/ESGO) and New strategic goals, were discussed.
The ENGOT administrative meeting was held the day before. The main topics were as follows: Risk based monitoring, Trial budgeting and the ENGOT monitoring network.
If you would like more information, please contact the CEEGOG admin office.
ENGOT meeting in Nice, October 23, 2015
On 23rd October, a meeting of representatives of national trial groups was held at Acropolis Congress Center. CEEGOG was represented by its vice-chairman prof. Miloš Mlynček and administrative manager Taťána Růžičková. Ongoing clinical trials were discussed, as well as non trial activities . In addition to clinical trials, the main topics were : ENGOT elections 2016-2020, the Report from the ESGO council, the European Ovarian Cancer Consensus meeting(ESMO/ESGO/ESTRO/and ENGOT strategic goals. For more information, please contact the CEEGOG admin office.
The 19th Biannual Meeting of the European Society of Gynecological Oncology (ESGO 2015) was held from24th to 27th October. For the first time, an Awareness Run, to raise awareness of early detection of cervical cancer and HPV vaccination programs, was organized by the ESGO at this year's congress in Nice. The run activity's goal was to encourage a healthy life style, which directly affects gynecological cancer incidents. Over 250 delegates registered for the 5 km race. One of CEEGOG members, associate professor Jiří Sláma, finished the race in second place. Congratulations.
Welcome new CEEGOG member
We would like to welcome a new member of our collaborative group – Department of Gynecological Oncology, Holycross Cancer Center, Kielce, Poland – represented by Marcin Misiek MD and Kamil Zalewski MD.
ENGOT meeting in Frankfurt, February 18 - 19, 2015
On February 19, representatives of numerous national trial groups gathered at the Sheraton Airport Hotel in Frankfurt to discuss current and future ENGOT policies as well as ongoing and opening clinical trials. CEEGOG was represented by its chairman, prof.Cibula, administrative manager Lucie Outerská, who had introduced herself and CEEGOG at the Admin meeting the day before, and prof.Radoslaw Madry from our centre in Poznan. The meeting was very informative and CEEGOG was once again welcomed as one of the newest members of the organisation.
We are excited to announce, that CEEGOG has become an official member of The European Network for Gynaecological Oncological Trial groups (ENGOT). During their annual meeting in Madrid, the ENGOT representatives smoothly approved our membership, which should bring greater opportunities of clinical trials to all our centres.
CEEGOG founded
Representatives from 21 top gynecologic oncology centers fom the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland gathered in the Lecture Hall of U Apolináře Hospital in Prague to establish new collaborative group - Central and Eastern European Gynecologic Oncology Group reg.ass.(CEEGOG). Prof.David Cibula, M.D., PhD. was elected the first Chairman of the Association.
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