CEEGOG meeting in Istanbul at ESGO congress
A short MEETING of the CEEGOG sites will take place during the upcoming ESGO congress in Istanbul. The aim is to briefly discuss collaboration on clinical research within CEEGOG and ENGOT. You are cordially invited to the meeting. We look forward to meeting with all of you in Istanbul!
The MEETING DETAILS are as follows:
Date: Friday, September 29
Time: 1 p.m. – 2 p.m. (TRT)
Venue: lounge Hamidiye, floor B2 of ICC Congress Hall
Annual CEEGOG mtg in Prague on December 8, 2023
This year´s annual CEEGOG meeting is scheduled for December 8, 2023. Please save the date! The meeting is taking place in Prague at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the General University Hospital in Prague.
Please do not miss the chance to include your proposals for new collaborative projects in the meeting agenda, and send your proposals to the CEEGOG office by the end of this October.
We hope to meet you all personally this December, and to discuss research in gynecology oncology and the clinical trials conducted under the CEEGOG umbrella.
We look forward to meeting you all in Prague!
GCIG SPRING meeting in Chicago, May 31 – June 1, 2023
The GCIG Spring meeting was held in Chicago on May 31 – June 1, 2023. CEEGOG was represented there by its Vice- Chair, Dr. Filip Frühauf, and by the CEEGOG Manager, Ivana Nohová, who attended the meeting as the online participants.
As previously agreed, mostly academic studies were presented during the GCIG meetings. It provided a broader framework for discussion on the hot topics such as de-escalation of Parpi maintenance, benefit from densification of chemotherapy in patients with poor prognostic ovarian cancer, diversity of the HRD tests availbale, symptom benefit, toxicity of treatment and impact on daily activities to be measured by using the so- called MOST questionnaires which are validated instruments developed by GCIG.
The need to conduct trials focusing on HRP/non-HRD patients, patients with DNA mutations associated with CCNE1 amplification and on the treatment of clear cell carcinoma was highligted. Further personalized medicine, quality of life measurements, ethical and race diversity were also stressed.
Discussion about harmonization of documents used in international trials, patient involvement within clinical research, and trial budgeting were conducted.
An update was provided on the Italian project to develop a deep learning system to predict the HRD status from ovarian cancer pathology slides, and on the preparation of the new integrated guidelines of ESGO, EURACAN and WSN for uterina sarcoma.
Further, it was proposed to establish an International Neoadjuvant Endometrial Cancer Consortium in order to avoid multiple small studies with heterogenous patient populations, interventions and differences in pathological assessment.
The Endometrial cancer consensus conference 2023 is scheduled for November in South Korea. Two CEEGOG representatives, namely Dr. Zoltán Novák from Budapest and Dr. Filip Frühauf from Prague have been approved by GCIG to be part of the working groups.
And last but not least, an update on the CCRN activities and educational symposiums was provided. The GCIG mtg was concluded with an impressive speech on the lack of available treatment in Africa which was delivered by the representative from South Africa. Afterwards, the need to develop further GCIG projects, which are also meant for African patients, was stressed.
ENGOT Advisory Board, April 2023
ENGOT has decided on the establishment of an Advisory board, i.e. a panel of experts from all ENGOT groups, in order to offer the list of those experts to pharmaceutical companies for possible consultation regarding future clinical trials. I am pleased to announce that Prof. David Cibula, Prof. Pavel Dundr, Prof. Daniela Fischerová and Prof. Zoltán Novák represent our group in the newly established ENGOT Advisory board.
ENGOT mtg in Milano, March 9 – 10, 2023
The Spring ENGOT meeting was held at the beginnning of this March in Milano. CEEGOG was represented by its Chairman Prof. David Cibula, Vice-Chairman Dr. Filip Frühauf and the administrative Manager Mrs. Ivana Nohová. On the first day, the meeting of operational representatives and also the strategic meeting were held. At the operational meeting, we discussed group experience with the CTIS, Regulatory Authority surveillance which is one of the Sponsor´s responsibilities for each trial. Further, the Irish group talked about green trials which focus on protecting the environment and mitigating the environmental burden of conducting clinical trials. Further discussion aimed at translational research, different group organisations and document sharing by groups.
The assembly meeting was held on March 10, 2023. From the CEEGOG studies, an update on the FERTISS and SENTIX study was mentioned. Among the new trial ideas, the trials developed within the GCA academy held in December of last year were introduced.
For more information please contact the CEEGOG office.
ENGOT-ENYGO-GCA workshop in Malaga, December 8 – 10, 2022
The ENGOT-ENYGO-GCA workshop was held in Malaga in December 2022. Prof. David Cibula appeared among the Tutors and Speakers and three CEEGOG representatives attended the workshop. Dr. Zoltán Novák from the Hungarian National Institute of Oncology in Budapest represented CEEGOG in working group 1 dealing with PARPi maintenance after 1st line treatment in advanced/recurrent TP53-mutant endometrial cancer.This group also discussed the development of the phase Ib/II randomized clinical trial of Everolimus and Lenvatinib in patients with advanced endometrial cancer who had failed to the previous immunotherapy. This group discussion was guided by Prof. Mansoor Raza-Mirza.
Dr. Oleksandr Zub from the Ukrainian site at the Chernihiv Regional Oncological Center was involved in working group 2 focused on surgical treatment of recurrent, advanced and metastatic endometrial cancer under the leadership of Prof. Andreas du Bois. Dr. Filip Frühauf from the General University Hospital in Prague contributed to working group 4 aimed at evaluating of the role of post surgery systemic therapy in upfront or relapsed setting in patients with aGCT. Tthe discussion was managed by Prof. Isabelle Ray-Coquard.
Prof. David Cibula chaired working group 6 focused on real world evidence on current ovarian cancer management in Europe.
Seven trials have been developed and each of them is now in different phase of negotiation with Pharma or trial initiation. It seems that the Stream trial focusing on surgical treatment in advanced endometrial cancers will be initiated as the first one. The other trials target rare tumors treatment (Ghost trial), PARPi maintenance in endometrial cancers (PARMA trial), futrher the addition of TOR inhibitors in endometrial cancers (trial called Eleven), re-treatment with PARP inhibitors in ovarian cancers (trial called OLACE) and the Trastuzumab treatment in endometrial cancer (Patrice trial). The last developed trial deals with ESGO quality indicators and real world clinical data and their evidence in current ovarian cancer managements in Europe. The mentioned trials must receive the support from Pharma or ENGOT and then they will be initiated. You will be informed on each trial once the trial is prepared for site selection and initiation.
GCIG Autumn meeting, October 25 - 26, 2022
This year´s GCIG Autumn meeting was held in Berlin at the end of October. CEEGOG was represented there by its CEEGOG Manager, Mrs. Ivana Nohová, who was also invited to participate in a Brainstorming Session focusing on phase II trials. The discussion was targeted innovative phase II trial designs, how to integrate molecular biomarkers into phase II trial, how to use phase II to make a better phase III, how to design a clinical trial that is feasible in an international setting. The discussion conclusion will be summarized in a manuscript.
Within the Harmonization operations committee meeting, Ivana Nohová delivered a presentation related to patient involvement within GCIG groups, the survey results thereon and their publication. During the Cervix committee meeting, she also provided an update on the recently initiated CEEGOG CX-05/ENGOT-cx16/CERVANTES trial to other GCIG groups.
ENGOT meeting in Berlin, October 6 - 7, 2022
The bi-annual ENGOT meeting took place at the beginning of October 2022 in Berlin. CEEGOG was represented by its Chairman Prof. David Cibula and the administrative Manager Mrs. Ivana Nohová.
The main focus of the ENGOT Operational Representatives’ meeting targeted the Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS), contracts for clinical trials, trial budgeting, translational research and the use of eTMFs.
The status of the ENGOT trials as well as trial activities were disscussed at the ENGOT assembly meeting. The ENGOT collaborative groups´representatives were updated on the following CEEGOG trials, which had been endorsed as ENGOT trials: SENTIX, FERTISS and CERVANTES.
Prof. Cibula also participated in the ENGOT Strategic meeting held on October 6, 2023.
For more information please contact the CEEGOG office.
CEEGOG meeting in Prague on November 28, 2022
This year´s annual CEEGOG meeting is scheduled for November 28, 2022. The meeting is taking place in Prague at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the General University Hospital in Prague.
Please do not miss the chance to include your proposals for new collaborative projects in the meeting agenda. Should you like to share information on your projects and proposal studies with other CEEGOG members, kindly approach the CEEGOG office in this matter by the end of October.
We hope to meet you all personally, and to discuss research in gynecology oncology and the clinical trials conducted in the CEEGOG countries this November.
We look forward to welcoming you all to Prague!
GCIG SPRING meeting, June 1- 3, 2022
The GCIG Spring meeting was held in Chicago on June 1 - 3, 2022. CEEGOG was represented there by its Chairman, Prof. David Cibula.
During the Cervix committee meeting and the Cervix Cancer Research Network meeting, David Cibula provided an update on the ongoing CEEGOG trial called CERVANTES (A prospective randomized trial on the role of radical surgery and adjuvant therapy in the management of intermediate / high-risk cervical cancer patients; CEEGOG CX-05/ENGOT-cx16).
It was agreed to schedule an endometrial cancer consensus conference focused on clinical trial questions in the near future (next year).
The results from the survey focusing on patient involvement in research within the Gynecological Cancer InterGroup have shown the importance of the call of action for a systematic approach. Therefore, this topic will be included in the agenda of the next Harmonization operations committee meetings.
ENGOT meeting in Copenhagen, April 28 – 29, 2022
The bi-annual Engot meeting took place on April 28-29, 2022 in Copenhagen. CEEGOG was represented by its Chairman Prof. David Cibula and the administrative manager Mrs. Ivana Nohová.
The main focus of the Engot Operational Representatives’ meeting targeted the Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS) and its use.
The status of the ENGOT trials as well as trial activities were disscussed at the ENGOT assembly meeting. The ENGOT collaborative groups´representatives were updated on the following CEEGOG trials which had been endorsed as ENGOT trials: SENTIX, FERTISS and CERVANTES.
Our group was invited to join the ENGOT strategic group last year, and therefore Prof. Cibula also participated in the ENGOT Strategic meeting held on April 28, 2022.
For more information please contact the CEEGOG office.
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